Pastor Brenda & Bro. Willie Anderson
We are privileged to have you as our guest or member. We trust that you will be spiritually enriched and that you are warmly received. As a church, we are committed to serving Jesus Christ and we base our teaching upon the true Word of God. It is our desire that people come to place their trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness and leading them to mature in their relationship with Him. We are expecting God to do extraordinary things among extraordinary people and would love for you to be apart.
Our prayer to you is for God to block all incoming negativity in your life and to help you focus on Him and His will. We believe that whatever blessing God has stored up for you, that you would allow Him to release it abundantly. If there is any way we can be of service to you, please reach out to us. We Thank You in advance for fellow-shipping with us and we are expecting that the best is yet to come.